Thursday, December 21, 2006

New era in broadcasting

BBC has apparently started allowing people to download its content via P2P technologies, and for free!

I know that Channel 5 and ITV have also joined the race by allowing their viewers to download programmes through their websites but they have been charging for it.

I think Sky has a similar offer as well.

This means that the broadcasting as we know it is changing and most of it will be driven through the internet rather than the airwaves in the future.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

New articles from Appleton Estates

Appletons have started publishing some articles on the website. This is a mixture of lettings and estate agency related articles.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Free anti-spam filters for Windows

It's not as difficult to find free and legitimate software on the internet anymore. The open source society is working wonders out there and some of the software you get is almost as good as the packages you have to pay for.

So, I was looking for an open source anti-spam software the other night. A simple search in Google would bring up thousands of links, and mostly about free trials but eventually I came across a comparison site. I think my main 3 options were the MailWasher, the Spamihilator and the SpamBayes.

After reading up on these 3 options, I decided to go for the SpamBayes due to its ease of installation and significant similarity to Norton AntiSpam for use.

It is also using some clever "learning" techniques based on what you class as "junk". For the geeks out there, it is using some clever ase Bayesian algorithms to do this.

Anyway, just installed it and getting it tested at the moment, I'll report more on the outcomes.

Friday, December 01, 2006

The Prestige

I saw the film the other night. The trailers looked good but I wasn't particularly intending to watch it. When I turned up the other options were the "Jackass 2" and "the Tenacious D" and some others that didn't look good. Ah, and the Mr Bond.

Visually it is really good and the decor is pretty impressive as well. Of course the best part is the cast. By the way, I didn't know David Bowie was in it.

Anyway, there are a few twists and turns to the story. Probably from the middle of the movie, you can predict the final twist but it is still grabbing.

I would definitely recommend it. I'm glad I watched it instead of the Bond movie as the Bond movies tend to have a pretty standard story line.

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Virginia Water attracts both renters and buyers. This picturesque Surrey village boasts stunning landscapes and prestigious properties. Exce...