Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wehham Park Hospital

After borrowing a couple of crutches at St Marks, we made our way to Wexham Park hospital's A&E. Although I wasn't an emergency (not life threatening), the orthopedics doctors knew I was coming and were going to assess me there for triage. For the first time, I only saw only a handful of emergencies waiting at the reception there.

After waiting nearly 2 hours for the orthopedics doctors to turn up, I was finally seen and they confirmed it was a complete snap. They explained my options:

  1. no operation: need to stay in the cast for at least 6-8 weeks, followed by a physio and the chances of re-occurence was 15%
  2. operation: need to stay in the cast for 6 weeks, followed by a walking boot for 3 weeks, and physio; the chances of re-occurence was 5%

So, it was an easy decision to go for the op.

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