Thursday, December 03, 2009
Google may come through again!!!
This can only be a good news for all the estate and letting agents out there.
All the estate agency portals must be quaking in their boots, Rightmove being the main one.
It is a shame that this would put Google in direct competition with Globrix, which has actually come through for the agents in many way.
C'mon Google!!!
Check out the other blogs I contribute:Overseas Property Articles | Office Refurbishment Articles | Property Articles
Maidenhead Christmas lights
This year it was a much better event compared to the previous years. There was as usual a market selling food etc but more importantly there were few fairground activites in the Maidenhead High Street as well as York Road.
Just after the lights got turned on, there was a brilliant fireworks display from the top of the Town Hall as well.
All in all, this was a great event for the kids and parents alike.
Let's hope the Maidenhead Council keeps up the good work in the upcoming years.
Check out the other blogs I contribute:Overseas Property Articles | Office Refurbishment Articles | Property Articles
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Check out the other blogs I contribute:Overseas Property Articles | Office Refurbishment Articles | Property Articles
Estate Agents Surrey
Check out the other blogs I contribute: Office Refurbishment Articles | Property Articles
Monday, November 09, 2009
hastaneye kaldırılıyor.
Ameliyat masasındayken, ölüme yakın, birden bir
Hayal görüyor.
Azraili görüyor ve soruyor:
'Benim saatim geldi mi?'
Azrail cevap veriyor:
'Hayır, senin daha 43 sene, 2 ay ve 8 günün var'.
Narkozdan uyandıgında, estetik yaptırmaya karar veriyor.
Yüzünü gerdiriyor, dudaklarını doldurtturuyor ve
Gögüslerini düzelttiriyor.
Kısacası: 'Yeniden dogmus gibi'
Daha uzun bir süre yasayacagını bildigi için simdi, o kadar
ameliyatın degdigini düsünüyor.
Son ameliyattan sonra,
hastaneden tamamen yeni bir insan gibi çıkıyor.
Tam karsıdan karsıya geçiyorken ambulans çarpıyor ve ölüyor.
Azrail'e soruyor: '40 seneden daha
fazla yasayacagımı söylemistin
Neden o zaman bana o ambulansın carpmasini engellemedin?
Azrail cevap veriyor:
'Kız, allah canını almasın ben seni tanıyamadım... .. :)))
Check out the other blogs I contribute:Overseas Property Articles | Office Refurbishment Articles | Property Articles
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Wonderful World
Looking at the many options in carpeting is a good place to begin. There are many carpet options available including short shag, long shag, indoor/outdoor and burlap. You may buy cheap or expensive ones. The trick is that if you purchase a high quality padding which goes under the carpet, you may then buy a less expensive brand of carpet which will last a very long time. The padding will cost more depending on the thickness. However, you will be ahead of the game in the end. Thick padding under the carpet will help keep the carpet in a good condition longer.
Carpeting is usually found in bedrooms and living rooms. But you might pick wood floors, which are getting to be more modern now. Wood floors with throw rugs are becoming popular again. Bathroom and kitchens also can be finished in marble, porcelain and granite tile, on top of the aforementioned.
It is best to choose a color that will go with anything when you are considering what color to select for your floor. These kind of floors are for life and it is possible that you might want to change colors occasionally in that certain room. Staying with neutral colors like beiges, grays and earth tones is a good bet, as they will always match other colors put with it.
Hardwood floors also have various shades to pick from. The choices will range from a lighter brown to a darker shade of brown. You need to keep in mind that the darker the color, the darker the room will look.
For further professional advice please contact Appleton Estate Agents Maidenhead.
Check out the other blogs I contribute:Overseas Property Articles | Office Refurbishment Articles | Property Articles
Property Market
This all follows the national trend, which is much more positive compared to a year ago.
The letting market seems to be very active as well. Hopefully, this newfound optimism will help the rental market too.
For your property sales and letting needs in and around Maidenhead, Berkshire, contact arguably the best estate agents marlow.
Check out the other blogs I contribute:Overseas Property Articles | Office Refurbishment Articles | Property Articles
Friday, November 06, 2009
Yurdum insani
Karımla alışveriş merkezinde dolaşırken birden önümüzden inanılmaz güzel bir kadın geçti. Nasıl oldu ben de anlamadım ama ilk defa bir kadına bu derece kilitlendim. Bu durumun farkında olan karımın şu sözleri ile kendime geldim. "Bakma faslın bittiyse kavgaya geçeceğim!"
Nur topu
İşyerinde küpe takan erkek arkadaşımıza babasından yorum:"Bir zamanlar nur topu gibi oğlum vardı;nuru gitti,topu kaldı!"
Geçen gece nöbetteyken acile 3 yaşında, para yutmuş bir hasta geliyor. Babasına ne kadar yuttuğunu soruyoruz; "1 YTL" diyor.. Yapılan tetkikler sonucunda bir adet 50 Kuruş ve iki adet 25 Kuruş tespit ediyoruz. Baba bir şekilde haklı olduğu için sadece aramızda gülüşerek konuyu kapatıyoruz..
Ramazanda cemaat toplanmış, teravihde. Ufaklığın teki de annesinin peşine takılmış gelmiş. Namaz kılınırken sessiz sessiz olanları izleyen çocuğun dudaklarından hayal gücünü ortaya koyan şu cümleler dökülüyor. ''Yatın kölelerim! Kalkın kölelerim! Yatın kölelerim! Kalkın kölelerim!'' Cemaat uzun süre secdeden kalkamadı tabi...
Mesaj alındı
"Seviyor musun?" dedim, "Seviyorum." dedi. "Ne kadar?" dedim, "Çok." dedi. "Ne kadar çok?" dedim. "Her akşam eve gelip dırdırını çekecek kadar çok..." dedi. Sustum...
Potansiyel müşteri
Kırmızı ışıkta durduğum anda yanımdan iki motosikletli ışık hızında ve tek tekerlek üzerinde geçti.. Ben ağzım açık olayı izlerken yanıma yanaşan 112 ambulansından doktor camı açtı ve bana: ''Gördün mü bizim müşterileri... Hey maşallah!'' dedi.
1 Nisan şakası
1 Nisan sabahı kocamdan mesaj geldi; "Karıma akşama toplantım var diyeceğim. Hazırlan hayatım, yedi gibi gelirim." 1 Nisan şakası olduğunu bildiğimden, hemen cevap verdim tabii. "Aşkım kocamın akşama toplantısı varmış, ev müsait bekliyorum." Sinirden köpürmüş, öyle şaka yapılır mıymış? Yaptım gitti!
Tövbe ya
Babamı namaz kılmış, dua ederken görünce "Benim için de dua et" deyiveriyorum ve babamın cevabıyla dumur oluyorum. "Kendisi nerede derse ne diyeyim?"
Cadaloz kaynana
İş arkadaşımın düğünündeyiz. Nikah kıyılıyor, imzalar atılıyor, gelin ve damadı tebrik etmek için ayağa kalkıldığında elektrikler kesiliyor. Biz hep beraber "Aaaa!" diye tepki gösterirken, arkadaşımın annesi oldukça yüksek sesle düşüncesini dile getiriyor. "Oğlumun daha ilk dakikadan hayatı karardı."
Sarışının hamile hali
Hamile olan sevgili sarışın kuzenim, gebelikle ilgili okuduğun; "Bebekler zekalarının %80'ini anneden alıyorlar." makalesinden sonra panikle bana dönüp; "Ay inanmıyorum. Bana ne kalacak o zaman?" diye sorduğunda sana; "Üzülme öyle bile olsa senin kaybedeceğin bir şey yok!" diyemedim ya! Lanet olsun içimdeki insan sevgisine!
İki yirmilik
Ailece amcamlara bayram ziyaretine gittik. Konu yaştan açıldı. Yengem de geçen haft a kırk yaşını doldurduğunu söyledi. Amcamın beni krize sokan bomba önerisini aynen aktarıyorum. "Hanım, seni bozdursak da iki yirmilik yapsak nasıl olur?"
30.000 bakımı
Yengemin burun ameliyatından sonra elinde bir demet çiçekle gelen abimin inceliğini, kurduğu cümleyle daha bir iyi anladık. "Hatun kokla bakayım burnun çalışıyor mu?"
Dün gece evime giderken yolun tenhalığından olsa gerek kırmızı ışıkta geçtim. Ardından yurdum polisine alkışı hak ettiricek anons: "Bacım o geçtiğin gece lambası değildi, çek sağa."
Sunday, November 01, 2009
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Friday, October 30, 2009
ICANN has just decided to to allow domain names that are non-Latin; in Arabic, Chinese and other scripts.
This is an immense change for all the internet community; especially the search engines and search engine optimisation.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Kadinlarimiz - Nazim Hikmet
Toprak öyle bitip tükenmez, /dağlar öyle uzakta,
sanki gidenler hiçbir zaman
hiçbir menzile erişemeyecekti.
Kağnılar yürüyordu yekpare meşaleden tekerlekleriyle
Ve onlar
ayın altında dönen ilk tekerlekti.
Ayın altında öküzler
başka ve çok küçük bir dünyadan gelmişler gibi
ufacık kısacıktılar
ve pırıltılar vardı hasta kırık boynuzlarında
ve ayakları altından akan
ve topraktı.
Gece aydınlık ve sıcak
ve kağnılarda tahta yataklarında
oyu mavi humbaralar çırılçıplaktı.
Ve kadınlar
birbirlerinden gizleyerek
bakıyorlardı ayın altında
geçmiş kafilelerden kalan öküz ve tekerlek ölülerine.
Ve kadınlar
bizim kadınlarımız:
korkunç ve mübarek elleri
ince, küçük çeneleri, kocaman gözleriyle
anamız, avradımız, yarimiz
ve sanki hiç yaşanmamış gibi ölen
ve soframızdaki yeri
öküzümüzden sonra gelen
ve dağlara kaçırıp uğrunda hapis yattığımız
ve ekinde, tütünde, odunda ve pazardaki
ve kara sabana koşulan ve ağıllarda
ışıltısında yere saplı bıçakların
oynak, ağır kalçaları ve zilleriyle bizim olan
bizim kadınlarımız
şimdi ayın altında
kağnıların ve hartuçların peşinde
harman yerine kehriban başlı sap çeker gibi
aynı yürek ferahlığı,
aynı yorgun alışkanlık içindeydiler.
Ve onbeşlik şaraplenin çeliğinde
ince boyunlu çocuklar uyuyordu.
Ve ayın altında kağnılar
yürüyordu Akşehir üzerinden Afyon`a doğru.
Nazim Hikmet
Monday, October 26, 2009
However, the bar is very high, which was set by Galatasaray a few years ago: the UEFA cup title. And, until any team can win such a world class title, the rest doesn't really mean much.
Liverpool back on track
Mascherano/Lucas combination in the midfield was the key. Mascherano allowed Lucas to push forward, which the Brizillian seems to prefer. This begs the question why Raffa has been insisting on the Gerard/Lucas duo, which prevents Gerards to push forward. I would definitely put the Argentinian next to the captain. He is one of hte best defence-minded midfielders in the world.
Unfortunately they are still 6 points behind Chelsea.
Looking at how many games the top teams have lost so far this season, I certainly would not write Liverpool's chances off. However, they need to build on this going forward, and have no more slip ups against the lesser teams.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Well done to Fenerbahce and Galatasaray
"Michael Moore's Action Plan: 15 Things Every American Can Do Right Now"
Michael Moore's last article (spread the word):
You've Seen the Movie -- Now It's Time to ACT!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
It's the #1 question I'm constantly asked after people see my movie: "OK -- so NOW what can I DO?!"
You want something to do? Well, you've come to the right place! 'Cause I got 15 things you and I can do right now to fight back and try to fix this very broken system.
Here they are:
1. Declare a moratorium on all home evictions. Not one more family should be thrown out of their home. The banks must adjust their monthly mortgage payments to be in line with what people's homes are now truly worth -- and what they can afford. Also, it must be stated by law: If you lose your job, you cannot be tossed out of your home.
2. Congress must join the civilized world and expand Medicare For All Americans. A single, nonprofit source must run a universal health care system that covers everyone. Medical bills are now the #1 cause of bankruptcies and evictions in this country. Medicare For All will end this misery. The bill to make this happen is called H.R. 3200. You must call AND write your members of Congress and demand its passage, no compromises allowed.
3. Demand publicly-funded elections and a prohibition on elected officials leaving office and becoming lobbyists. Yes, those very members of Congress who solicit and receive millions of dollars from wealthy interests must vote to remove ALL money from our electoral and legislative process. Tell your members of Congress they must support campaign finance bill H.R.1826.
4. Each of the 50 states must create a state-owned public bank like they have in North Dakota. Then congress MUST reinstate all the strict pre-Reagan regulations on all commercial banks, investment firms, insurance companies -- and all the other industries that have been savaged by deregulation: Airlines, the food industry, pharmaceutical companies -- you name it. If a company's primary motive to exist is to make a profit, then it needs a set of stringent rules to live by -- and the first rule is "Do no harm." The second rule: The question must always be asked -- "Is this for the common good?" (Click here for some info about the state-owned Bank of North Dakota.)
5. Save this fragile planet and declare that all the energy resources above and beneath the ground are owned collectively by all of us. Just like they do it in Sarah Palin's socialist Alaska. We only have a few decades of oil left. The public must be the owners and landlords of the natural resources and energy that exists within our borders or we will descend further into corporate anarchy. And when it comes to burning fossil fuels to transport ourselves, we must cease using the internal combustion engine and instruct our auto/transportation companies to rehire our skilled workforce and build mass transit (clean buses, light rail, subways, bullet trains, etc.) and new cars that don't contribute to climate change. (For more on this, here's a proposal I wrote in December.) Demand that General Motors' de facto chairman, Barack Obama, issue a JFK man-on-the-moon-style challenge to turn our country into a nation of trains and buses and subways. For Pete's sake, people, we were the ones who invented (or perfected) these damn things in the first place!!
1. Each of us must get into the daily habit of taking 5 minutes to make four brief calls: One to the President (202-456-1414), one to your Congressperson (202-224-3121) and one to each of your two Senators (202-224-3121). To find out who represents you, click here. Take just one minute on each of these calls to let them know how you expect them to vote on a particular issue. Let them know you will have no hesitation voting for a primary opponent -- or even a candidate from another party -- if they don't do our bidding. Trust me, they will listen. If you have another five minutes, click here to send them each an email. And if you really want to drop an anvil on them, send them a snail mail letter!
2. Take over your local Democratic Party. Remember how much fun you had with all those friends and neighbors working together to get Barack Obama elected? YOU DID THE IMPOSSIBLE. It's time to re-up! Get everyone back together and go to the monthly meeting of your town or county Democratic Party -- and become the majority that runs it! There will not be many in attendance and they will either be happy or in shock that you and the Obama Revolution have entered the room looking like you mean business. President Obama's agenda will never happen without mass grass roots action -- and he won't feel encouraged to do the right thing if no one has his back, whether it's to stand with him, or push him in the right direction. When you all become the local Democratic Party, send me a photo of the group and I'll post it on my website.
3. Recruit someone to run for office who can win in your local elections next year -- or, better yet, consider running for office yourself! You don't have to settle for the incumbent who always expects to win. You can be our next representative! Don't believe it can happen? Check out these examples of regular citizens who got elected: State Senator Deb Simpson, California State Assemblyman Isadore Hall, Tempe, Arizona City Councilman Corey Woods, Wisconsin State Assemblyman Chris Danou, and Washington State Representative Larry Seaquist. The list goes on and on -- and you should be on it!
4. Show up. Picket the local branch of a big bank that took the bailout money. Hold vigils and marches. Consider civil disobedience. Those town hall meetings are open to you, too (and there's more of us than there are of them!). Make some noise, have some fun, get on the local news. Place "Capitalism Did This" signs on empty foreclosed homes, closed down businesses, crumbling schools and infrastructure. (You can download them from my website.)
5. Start your own media. You. Just you (or you and a couple friends). The mainstream media is owned by corporate America and, with few exceptions, it will never tell the whole truth -- so you have to do it! Start a blog! Start a website of real local news (here's an example: The Michigan Messenger). Tweet your friends and use Facebook to let them know what they need to do politically. The daily papers are dying. If you don't fill that void, who will?
1. Take your money out of your bank if it took bailout money and place it in a locally-owned bank or, preferably, a credit union.
2. Get rid of all your credit cards but one -- the kind where you have to pay up at the end of the month or you lose your card.
3. Do not invest in the stock market. If you have any extra cash, put it away in a savings account or, if you can, pay down on your mortgage so you can own your home as soon as possible. You can also buy very safe government savings bonds or T-bills. Or just buy your mother some flowers.
4. Unionize your workplace so that you and your coworkers have a say in how your business is run. Here's how to do it (more info here). Nothing is more American than democracy, and democracy shouldn't be checked at the door when you enter your workplace. Another way to Americanize your workplace is to turn your business into a worker-owned cooperative. You are not a wage slave. You are a free person, and you giving up eight hours of your life every day to someone else is to be properly compensated and respected.
5. Take care of yourself and your family. Sorry to go all Oprah on you, but she's right: Find a place of peace in your life and make the choice to be around people who are not full of negativity and cynicism. Look for those who nurture and love. Turn off the TV and the Blackberry and go for a 30-minute walk every day. Eat fruits and vegetables and cut down on anything that has sugar, high fructose corn syrup, white flour or too much sodium (salt) in it (and, as Michael Pollan says, "Eat (real) food, not too much, mostly plants"). Get seven hours of sleep each night and take the time to read a book a month. I know this sounds like I've turned into your grandma, but, dammit, take a good hard look at Granny -- she's fit, she's rested and she knows the names of both of her U.S. Senators without having to Google them. We might do well to listen to her. If we don't put our own "oxygen mask" on first (as they say on the airplane), we will be of no use to the rest of the nation in enacting any of this action plan!
I'm sure there are many other ideas you can come up with on how we can build this movement. Get creative. Think outside the politics-as-usual box. BE SUBVERSIVE! Think of that local action no one else has tried. Behave as if your life depended on it. Be bold! Try doing something with reckless abandon. It may just liberate you and your community and your nation.
And when you act, send me your stories, your photos and your video -- and be sure to post your ideas in the comments beneath this letter on my site so they can be shared with millions.
C'mon people -- we can do this! I expect nothing less of all of you, my true and trusted fellow travelers!
Michael Moore
Join Mike's Mailing List | Join Mike's Facebook Group | Follow Mike on Twitter | Become Mike's MySpace Friend
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Counting down in 10...9...8...
... in only 10 weeks across May and June all but 2* of the Runneymede Homes, Saville Place apartments were sold via local estate agent, Barton Wyatt. First time buyers, downsizers and even investors have been the hungry property audience for this development capitalising on the zero stamp duty threshold and prime location in Englefield Green Village, Egham.
With prices from £174,500 the high specification one and two bedroom apartments are not all subject to stamp duty one of the key appeals for the buyers, however Judith Hogg-Fox, one of the buyers comments, “The stamp duty threshold is always in the mind when one is looking at this price band although I would not strictly have bought only based on the threshold but more on the actual property itself”. All of the 10 apartments include an open plan, fully fitted kitchen/living room and stylish bathroom. The master bedroom in the two bedroom also incorporated an en-suite shower room.
James Wyatt, Senior Partner at Barton Wyatt Estate Agents Surrey, comments, “For the first-time buyer Saville Place offers affordability and value for money, a phrase rarely used throughout much of the 2007 property peak. First-time buyers have for a long time been priced out of the market and now that property prices have stabilised and finance has become more available, many are jumping at the opportunity to get on to the ladder. Equally those struggling in the current economy or with changes in circumstance are looking for spacious and well finished homes to downsize to, without losing those home comforts they have become accustomed to.”
According to Nationwide the average UK home went up 0.9 per cent in June, which is the third time in four months that the building society has announced a rise in values. Experts are reporting that now is a good time to buy bricks & mortar, with tentative predictions of a relatively positive outlook for the rest of 2009. James Wyatt further states, “2008 was an ailing year for estate agents but in 2009 so far we have seen a strong revival in the market especially at the lower end with increased confidence from both buyers and sellers. Across the first 4 months of this year, we at Barton Wyatt have gained a 75% market share highlighting the continuing boost in the market.”
Even so, it may seem surprising to hear that investors in the Surrey area are still looking for buy-to-let investments, selecting only the best quality and prime location apartments to dip into their pockets for. Saville Place in Englefield Green Village is close to the Royal Holloway University of London meaning an annual demand for student lets in the area, a reliable choice for any investor; this is one of the main reasons Judith Fox-Hogg invested, she continues, “I already have successful rental properties in this area and it’s an area I know very well”. One of the first time buyers is also a student at the University.
For more information, contact Barton Wyatt Letting Agents Surrey
Monday, October 19, 2009
What a shame
It is such a waste of talent.
I think they will need a world class manager, who can actually introduce some discipline into the team.
So, we'll be supporting Brazil again then :)
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Welcome to the new Greek Prime Minister
Following Sunday's big election victory, Mr Papandreou picked the "Old enemy" Turkey the his first overseas visit. According to the analysts for the region, this is not only for symbolic but also practical reasons.
Mr Papandreou will pay an unexpected visit to his Turkish counterpart on Friday in an attempt to revive the relationships between the 2 countries.
A prominent figure in Turkish politics pointed out that there is no need to break the ice at all. He said "Papandreou is a well-known figure here in Turkey and his first visit to Turkey is symbolic and it is a great honor".
During this visit a framework of negotiations for Cyprus' reunification will be debated, and a roadmap is expected to be agreed.
A Greek insider commented that a restart of continuous dialogue with Turkey will be a priority for the new Greek government
Mr Papandreou will visit Cyprus at the end of this month to meet the Greek and Turkish communities.
Mr Papandreou also visited his old counterpart (at the foreign ministry) Ismail Cem's grave and laid some olive branches. Both Mr Cem and Mr Papandreou played a key role a decade ago in triggering the improvements in relationships following many years of suspicion and animosity between the 2 countries after the earthquakes in both Turkey and Greece.
Turkish Republic and Armenia
Following on from active involvement in brokering a peace process between Palestine and Israel, as well as Syria and Saudi Arabia, Turkish Republic is now doggedly pursuing the improvement of relationships with Armenia.
And, finally, there seems to be some some recognition in the international arena for these efforts. BBC claims that both the EU and the US are increasing the pressure on Armenia in "playing ball".
There are 2 main sticky points in improving the relationships between the two countries:
- Armenian claims about so-called killings of Armenians during World War I.
- Armenian occupation of the Nagorno-Karabakh region in Azerbaijan
And, the Turks are calling the Armenian bluff and forcing them to sign a protocol to investigate these allegations of these killings by a jointly formed group of experts with additions from other countries.
Armenians need to remember that they need the Turkish border opened more than Turkey needs it. This is going to be Armenia's main trade route to the West.
And, the Turkish government needs to remember the grim consequences of being sentenced based on some unfounded allegations.
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Laptop does not wake up
I use Windows XP but a lot of people are reporting similar problems with Vista as well.
My experiments show that this is most likely to happen when the laptop is put on Standby while it is connected to the power supply (ie, the mains).
99% of the time I have Firefox open.
Recently, I've figured out that Firefox is the root cause somehow for this. I did exactly the same things that would cause the problem but without the Firefox running, and so far the results are encouraging.
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Cocuklar arasindaki farklar
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Wehham Park Hospital
After waiting nearly 2 hours for the orthopedics doctors to turn up, I was finally seen and they confirmed it was a complete snap. They explained my options:
- no operation: need to stay in the cast for at least 6-8 weeks, followed by a physio and the chances of re-occurence was 15%
- operation: need to stay in the cast for 6 weeks, followed by a walking boot for 3 weeks, and physio; the chances of re-occurence was 5%
So, it was an easy decision to go for the op.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Rental Safety Regulations
The Furniture & Furnishings (Fire)(Safety) Regulations 1988 & The Furniture &
Furnishings (Fire)(Safety)(Amendment) Regulations 1993
Effective from March 1st 1993, Landlords letting residential property must ensure that all
upholstered furniture complies with the Fire and Furnishings (Fire)(Safety) Regulations 1988.
Generally, these cover the need for fire-resistant filling material to upholstered articles
and the passing of a match-resistant and cigarette-resistant test.
Failure to do so could result in up to 6 months imprisonment and/or fines up to £5,000.00.
The correct method of displaying compliance is to check that a permanent label is present on
all items of furniture. The regulations apply to:
Any items not labelled may not conform to the regulation and will have to be removed from the property.
It should be noted that any furniture manufactured prior to 1st January 1950 is exempt from the regulations.
The Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1994
This regulation requires a Landlord to ensure that all gas fittings and flues are maintained in good order,
and gas appliances and flues are checked for safety once in a period of 12 months. This must be done by a
CORGI registered engineer and it is essential that this is carried out before a tenant takes occupation. A
copy of the certificate is to be kept at the property at all times and a copy should also be provided to our
lettings department for our records.
The Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 1994
This regulation requires that all electrical appliances, equipment and supply must be safe. Where their safe
use requires, appropriate instruction booklets must also be provided. Plugs and sockets that are newly installed
must conform to the appropriate British Standard or approved alternative.
The General Product Safety Regulations 1994
These regulations mean that the landlords are required to consider general safety of the tenants in their property.
For example, the landlord should supply instruction manuals for the items used in the property. Also, information
sheets covering any issues about potential danger points in the property (e.g. sharp objects/hot surfaces, etc.).
Unlike the gas safety regulations, there is no statutory annual testing interval. Yet, in order to meet the
requirements, it is still important that all electrical equipment be tested regularly.
Smoke Detectors Act 1991
The Department of Environment introduced new regulations which require any new building (built after June
1992) to have smoke detectors installed. Whilst not yet a legal requirement for other properties, we feel
this legislation will soon follow and Landlords can still face serious claims in the event of a fire. We
would therefore strongly recommend Landlords to install at least two smoke detectors.
Article courtesy of Appleton Letting Agents Reading
For probably the best sales, lettings and property management services around Windsor, Maidenhead, Reading, Marlow, Cookham and Twyford, please contact Appleton-Estates.comUNFURNISED OR FURNISHED?
At, we get asked this question a lot, and there is no right or wrong answer. Safety is now an import question and as agent we must ensure your soft furnishings meet with current standards. The Regulations are explained later.
You now get the same legal protection when your property is furnished or unfurnished. Furnished properties used to get higher rents but in today there is not much difference, though smaller properties are often let more quickly when furnished.
The property should be professionally cleaned throughout including carpets and curtains to all rooms. A property can never be too clean at commencement as this is how the tenant will have to hand back the property at termination.
The kitchen should include Cooker, Fridge/Freezer, Washing machine and dishwasher (optional). The remainder of the property can be entirely unfurnished with the exception of carpets, curtains/blinds and light fittings.
A fully furnished property should be ready for immediate occupation without the tenant providing anything but their personal belongings (with the exception of TV/video, Hi-Fi) and should include the following:
Kitchen: | Cooker Fridge/Freezer Washing Machine/Dryer Dishwasher (optional) Microwave (optional) Electric Kettle & Toaster Set of Saucepans & Frying Pan Matching Dinner Service Cutlery & Kitchen Utensils Selection of bakeware Iron & Ironing Board Vacuum Cleaner Broom Dustpan & Brush Mop & Bucket | |
Lounge: | Three Piece Suite Coffee Table Table Lamps TV Unit/Stand | |
Bedrooms: | Each bedroom should have Bed & Mattress in good condition Mattress Covers New Pillows & Duvet Wardrobes Dressing Table & Stool/Chest of drawers Bedside Table & Lamp | |
Dining Room: | Dining Table with Chairs (suitable for size of property) Sideboard or equivalent Placemats | |
Bathroom: | Bathroom Cabinet Electric Shower (optional but preferable) Shower Curtain (if applicable) Mirror Bath & Pedestal Mat | |
Garden: | (Should be left in a manageable, ’seasonal’ order) Dustbin Lawn mover Gardening Tools Hosepipe | |
Garage: | Should be left empty with keys |
It is important that furnishings, fittings and décor should be of reasonable quality and in keeping with the style of the property. This will make the property more appealing to prospective tenants, improve your prospects of achieving a fair rental value, avoid continual maintenance and repair of low quality items and, we find, encourages tenants to respect the property as if it were their own.
Achilles tendon complete rupture
A couple of other people at the training ground had heard the noise as well, and wondered what had gone wrong.
Anyhow, I thought I had ruptured my calf muscle, and iced it after coming back home. I immediately called my brother for advise, and he told me to keep the ice for 2-3 hours, and then mix some flour, water and oil to apply to the leg when I went to bed. Apparently, the enzymes that the mixture releases helps with the healing process, and takes the pain. But he told me to see someone first thing in the morning.
At the minor injuries, they confirmed my worst nightmare that it was a complete rupture (snap) of the Achilles tendon, which connects your heal to your calf muscle. I knew this would not only be painful but would have a long term recovery period as well.
I knew it would be a nightmare with the baby only 8 weeks away!!!
Rest follows in the next post...
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Office Fit Out
Friday, September 11, 2009
Ara sıra durup ruhumuzu beklemek
DAMLACIKLAR / Berna Sağlam Naipoğlu
Son zamanlarda üzerinde en çok düşündüğüm konulardan biri de bu kadar çalışmanın, bu kadar koşuşturmanın nereye varacağı. Bir gün geçmiyor ki acele etmeden, sakin sakin çalışıp eve sakin dönebileyim. İstinasız hergün yoğunluk sebebiyle telaş içindeyim. Kalbim normal ritminin hep üzerinde atıyor. Yürümüyorum, koşuyorum. Yemek yerken neredeyse çiğneyemeden yutuyorum. Bir insanın asgari de bile ihtiyacı olan, yapması gereken ne varsa onları yaparken zaman kaybediyormuşçasına sinirleniyorum. Yapmam gereken şeyleri önem sırasına koyduğumda çoğunluk birinci sırada yer alıyor. Doğal olarak sıkılıyor ve strese giriyorum. Her gece uyumaya hazırlanma süresini direkt geçip, yatağa yaklaştığım an gözümü kapayıp uykuya geçiyorum. Gece 3-4 kez bebek için uyanıyorum. Sabahları ise yine yetişmem gereken onlarca konuya koşmak üzere uyanıp yola çıkıyorum.
Çok uzun zamandır göremediğim çok yakın bir arkadaşım var. Her sabah aklıma geliyor ve arayayım diyorum ama akşam geç bir saat olduğunda arayamadığımı, koşuşturma içinde unuttuğumu farkediyorum. Özleme hissim burnumu sızlatıyor. Beni ihmale iten sebepler ise sinirimi bozuyor. Ertesi gün yine aynı, sonra yine aynı. Aramayı başardığım an gözüm doluyor. Bu yoğunluktan hep birşeyleri kaçırdığımı hissediyorum. Bazen durup kendimi sallayıp daha kaça bölüneceğimi, böyle nereye koştuğumu düşünüyorum. Durmak ve sadece durmak istiyorum o an. Ne ses, ne hareket, sadece öylece durmak. Durabilmenin lüksünü yaşamak...
Tüm bunları arkadaşlarımla konuşurken kimsenin benden farkı olmadığını da görüyorum. Herkes aynı hissediyor. Bunu bir tür çağın vebası olarak tanımlıyorlar. Bu konuda konuşurken içimizden biri bize Michelangelo Antonioni'nin 1995 yapımı "Par dela les Nuages" (Bulutların ötesinde) adlı filminde hoş bir sahneyi anlattı. O da bir yerde okumuş.
Filmde bir genç kız cafede gizemli bir erkekle tanışıyor ve adam ona şu hikayeyi anlatıyor: Bir zamanlar Afrika'da kayıp bir şehri aramakta olan arkeologlar, beraberlerindeki eşya ve yükleri, hayvanların ve yerlilerin yardımı ile taşıyarak uzun bir yolculuğa çıkmışlar. Kafile zor doğa koşullarında, balta girmemiş ormanların içinde ilerleyerek, nehirleri, cağlayanları geçerek yolculuğa günlerce devam etmişler. Fakat günlerden bir gün yerlilerin bir kısmı birden durmuşlar.
Taşıdıkları yükleri yere indirmişler ve hiç konuşmadan beklemeye başlamışlar. Ulaşmak istedikleri yere bir an önce varmak isteyen batılı arkeologlar bu duruma bir anlam veremeyip, zaman kaybettiklerini, bir an önce yola devam etmeleri gerektiğini anlatarak, yerlilerin neden durduklarını öğrenmek istemişler.
Fakat yerliler büyük bir suskunluk içinde sadece bekliyorlarmış. Bu anlaşılmaz durumu, yerlilerin dilinden anlayan rehber, onlarla bir süre konuştuktan sonra şu şekilde ifade etmeye çalışmış: "Çok hızlı gidiyoruz. Ruhlarımız geride kalıyor."
Bu gerçekten çok doğru geldi bana. Hissedecek zamanı kendimize vermediğimiz için ruhlarımız geride kalıyor. Olayların ve durumların içine o kadar çabuk girip çıkıyoruz ki ruhumuz ve kalbimiz idrak bile edemiyor. Taş gibi oluyoruz. Modern şehir hayatı ve çağımızın getirdiği en büyük sorunlardan biri de bu. Hızla sonu bir türlü gelmeyecek olan biryerlere doğru çılgınca koşuşturuyoruz ve bunu yaparken de en başta kendimizi ihmal ediyoruz. Algımızı ve hislerimizi bir çok şeye kapatmaya çalışarak zaman avantajı kazanmaya çalışıyoruz. Çünkü eğer bunu yapmazsak yaşadıklarımızı, etraftaki ayrıntıları, manzaraları, küçük mutlulukları, kısaca hayata dair pekçok güzelliği göreceğiz. Ya da yaşanan yığınla drama, saçmalığa ve ilkelliğe seyirci kalmayıp, duyarsızca sadece bakıp geçmek yerine engel olacağız veya olmaya çalışacağız. Bu da bize koşacağımız zamandan çalma gereği yaratacak. Ama böyle yapmayınca da kendimiz olmaktan çıkıyoruz.
Yok, ne olursa olsun biz kendimize gelelim. Ara sıra da olsa durup ruhlarımızı bekleyelim. Yavaşlayalım, her günün sabahında ve her gece uyumadan önce aynaya bakalım ve kendimizi hatırlayalım.
Durup, sadece kendimize doğru bakalım iki dakika bile olsa...
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